Team ZBB 4 badge consists in a performance recognition due to the achievement of the Advanced level of management maturity according to the criteria defined by Transformation Office. Three parameters compose the criteria table which different levels of importance:

A. Package Expenses Compliance - Weight 3

B. Attendance of Transformation Office Meetings - Weight 1

C. Management Culture Adherence - Weight 1

O que é necessário para conquistar este badge

For team ZBB 4 badge you must get the YTD score 20 to 24

Score = 3*A + B + C
A = Package Expenses Compliance (based on Year to Date accumulated value)
The package team spent 81% to 85% of PO or
97% to 97,9% of R$/Pair target | A=4

B = Attendance of Transformation Office Meetings (based on Year to Date accumulated value)
Meeting Attendance 95% to 99% | B=4

C = Management Culture Adherence (based on Year to Date average value)
Action plan with all the tasks on time | C=4

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