Industrial Engineer the Technological University of Havana, he received a PhD in Technical Sciences focusing in Logistics and Supply Chain (2013), is active in Teaching, Research and Business Consulting. He has accumulated more than fifteen years of experience as a teacher at Universities in Cuba and Latin America, and ten years of experience in joint work with Universities Worldwide, specially in Germany. Igor is also an Education Associate of Inchainge supporting universities in Latin America to utilize The Fresh Connection, The Cool Connection and The Blue Connection in their classrooms. Additionally, he is a Certified Teacher of The Fresh Connection, The Cool Connection and The Blue Connection. He holds a CSSC Certification and is a Certified Instructor VCARE.
18 FEV 2022.
Identificação Avançada Fundamentals Certified
Emitido por GS1 BRASIL -
04 DEZ 2020.
Identificação Comercial Fundamentals Certified
Emitido por GS1 BRASIL -
24 SET 2020.
GS1 Brasil – Identificação Basics Certified
Emitido por GS1 BRASIL